Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How PAIR can fund your Investigations

PAIR stands for Program to Assist African Investigative Reporters.

PAIR is open to every journalist with a good idea.

PAIR gives support to two types of journalistic investigations:


National investigations in Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso.

National investigations involve journalists from one of the mentioned countries investigating issues and stories of relevance in their country.


Trans-national investigations involves journalists from two or more of the following countries Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso and covers issues of cross-border interest.

The criteria for an application:

1. The investigation will reveal new, important information of obvious public interest.

2. The investigation is based on firm publishing agreements with at least one and preferably several mass media.

3. The investigative journalist(s) already have access to key information (relevant sources, case-stories, documents) and access to additional information is realistic.

4. The investigation will not produce unacceptable risks to the journalists / media involved.

5. The journalist(s) involved will work according to professional journalistic and ethical standards.

6. Key results of the investigation will be published within a reasonably short timeframe.

7. The journalists/editors involved in the investigation will subject their material to legal advisors before publishing to avoid unnecessary conflict with the law.

8. PAIR has to be specifically mentioned when the articles are published. The published investigation will assist in promoting PAIR and the networks in the local, regional or international media community.

9. The budget for the investigation corresponds with the overall parameters of PAIR. The following items can be covered: salary, travel, access to data, access to expert assistance etc. A detailed budget must be submitted.

10. A CV of the journalist applying and examples of previously published articles should be included.

11. Application forms can be obtained by contacting. NC in Ghana Paa Kwesi Plange: paakwesip@yahoo.com, telephone: 0248698226 or Danish coordinator Anne Lea Landsted: Landsted@mail.dk.

Applications shall be sent to the national coordinator, NC, in Ghana: Paa Kwesi Plange, who will screen them to ensure they contain the necessary information before passing them on to the committee in Denmark.

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