Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Support for investigative journalism

PAIR calls for Ghanaian investigative journalists who would like to apply for financial support to carry out their investigations.
PAIR is a peer-to-peer programme to facilitate investigative journalism in Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. The PAIR model was developed by Danish Association of Investigative Journalists (FUJ) based on experiences from a similar support programme, which was initiated in 2003 in Eastern Europe.

In the application, the applicant – or applicants – shall provide detailed information about what they intend to investigate and why, describe their starting point and aim for the investigation, a working schedule, a budget and finally introduce themselves in short CV’s.

To receive support the investigations have to meet the following criteria:
1. The investigation will reveal new, important information of obvious public interest.
2. The investigation can be trans-national and involve cooperation with investigative journalists from other countries.
3. The investigation is based on firm publishing agreements with at least one and preferably several mass media.
4. The investigative journalist(s) already have access to key information (relevant sources, case-stories and documents) and access to additional information is realistic.
5. The investigation will not produce unacceptable risks to the journalists / media involved.
6. The journalist(s) involved will work according to professional journalistic and ethical standards.
7. Key results of the investigation will be published within a reasonably short timeframe.
8. The journalists / editors involved in the investigation will subject their material to legal advisors before publishing to avoid unnecessary conflict with the law.

Application forms can be obtained by contacting. NC in Ghana Paa Kwesi Plange: paakwesip@yahoo.com, telephone: 0248698226 or Danish coordinator Anne Lea Landsted: Landsted@mail.dk.

Applications shall be sent to the national coordinator, NC, in Ghana: Paa Kwesi Plange, who will screen them to ensure they contain the necessary information before passing them on to the committee in Denmark.

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